What is Wireless Communication? ThinkBig

Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- What is wireless communication
- How does wireless communication work
- Types of wireless communication
- Advantages of wireless communication
- Conclusion
Connection, communication and transmission! That’s what a wireless communication system is all about. It’s no news how the advancement of technology has simplified plentiful things for us, wireless communication being one such evolution.
Today, wireless technology has helped boom each sector and successfully fuelled the GDP growth rate in our country. The working of almost every industry, from energy, healthcare, transportation, banking, and agriculture, relies on the wireless space. It has also accelerated the economic growth in India and globally significantly.
For the curious mind, we have all the facts penned down.
- India has about 778 million wireless broadband subscribers.
- The Indian telecom sector stands second in the world.
- India accounts for the second-largest manufacturer of mobile handsets globally.
It’s always a proud feeling to watch India make a statement. Here are some detailed insights you would be interested to know.
And that’s the power of wireless technology. The scope and progression are incalculable. We live in a world full of communication, and therefore, knowing what is wireless communication should be your pressing priority. The broad subject offers continuous adaptation and progression.
What is wireless communication?
The term ‘wireless’ clearly means a device without the presence of wires or cables. Speaking of communication, it broadly means transmitting information from the sender to the receiver. In a wide-ranging sense, wireless communication technology involves the transfer of data with the help of electromagnetic waves. This mechanism carries signals anywhere between a few metres or a thousand kilometres. For instance, from a TV remote control to satellite communication.
In the wireless network, there is no physical medium of communication. The electromagnet waves, which include X-Rays, Gamma Rays, Visible Light, Ultraviolet Rays, Infrared Rays, Radio Waves and Microwave Rays, pass on the signal with the electromagnetic energy.
How does wireless communication work?
Have you ever wondered how your text message has reached your friend? You wake up with a Good Morning image on your whats app. How did it find you? It’s magical to watch a tiny to a large form of communication being transferred in a span of a few seconds without any physical effort. As the name Electromagnetic suggests, it is the synergy between the electric and magnetic fields.
The wireless communication network works based on these electromagnetic signals, which are broadcasted through a device. The sending device must have the potential to propagate wireless signals and the receiving device should be capable of capturing the sent signals. Only then does the wireless communication system get created between the receiver and sender. The communication network has various forms and methods- Mobile, Bluetooth, Broadcast radio, Wi-Fi, Infrared communication and more. All these wireless network examples work differently, but the common factor remains, i.e. without any wired connection.
Types of wireless communication: Working & More!
Here’s a detailed write-up on the common types of wireless communications you may be aware of to a certain extent.
1. Infrared Communication
Did you know that infrared (IR) communication is present in your home too? It is involved in short-range communication like data sharing on mobile, TV remotes, tablets, personal computers (keyboards) etc. This wireless network example, in particular, can only be used for short-range, i.e. 300GHz – 400THz. The IR communication functions only when the sender and the receiver have an exchange of a light beam. Any disruption in it will cause the photoreceiver not to receive the signal. This also means that any object between the receiver and the transmitter will cause a non-operation.
2. Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi also works as two-way communication and is used by several electronic devices like smartphones, laptops and smart TV. In this process, the signal transmission works based on a router. So, the network allows uninterrupted usage when in close proximity to a router. A range of devices can be connected to one network at high speed. The only concern is that the Wi-Fi network must be password protected for security reasons.
Today, Wi-Fi connection is easily available in cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, college universities, and more public places. With a smooth connection, undoubtedly, one can work at an exponential rate of quality and quantity.
3. Radio Frequency
Also popularly known as broadcast radio, here’s the oldest type of wireless communication. It can generate signals easily ranging from 3kHz to 300GHz. Unlike infrared communication, RF transmission can happen through objects and travel long distances. Gladly, radio transmission can penetrate through buildings, walls or anything else. And that’s how the popular radio stations function.
From sharing some entertainment to passing some serious news information, this wireless radio communication is beneficial and how. The proficient data transmitter can also help during disasters. This network is commonly used to pass on any emergency information. The communication depends highly on some of the parameters like sender power, receiver quality, antenna height and wavelength. Radio frequencies are often known as the communication mode for most government organisations. The only drawback is the dependency on frequency. In case of bad weather, radio waves will be effective.
4. Bluetooth
Bluetooth wireless communication is not unknown to anyone. Surprisingly, in very little time, everyone around is hooked on it. The functioning of the Bluetooth communication allows two devices to connect for the data transfer (files, messages, music, images). Mobile phones can easily be connected to Bluetooth headphones and have a wireless experience. Remember the old times of using wired earphones? We have already bid adieu to them, isn’t it?
This wireless communication technology has a major drawback of distance. It can function smoothly at a distance of a max of 30 feet.
5. Satellite communication
Here’s a type of wireless mode that holds significant importance globally. It is extensively used to connect people anywhere in the world. This technology requires two dominant integrants: the space and ground segments. Once the satellite receives a signal, it amplifies it and sends it back to the receiver’s antenna, which is on Earth’s surface. The ground segment comprises a mobile transmitter, receiver and the space segment (the satellite itself).
However, this crucial communication mode requires major testing before application.
6. Cellular communication
When we speak of what is wireless communication, this technology stands tall. It’s one of the most commonly used in our day-to-day life. Cellular communication allows transmission through any mobile phone. The preset mode permits a dual way wherein the transmitter and receiver can obtain signals simultaneously.
Cellular communication scores very high on convenience, and that’s why the use of video and voice calls is growing by the day.
7. Microwave
Microwave wireless communication technology has a frequency range between 1GHz-300GHz. This communication is routinely used in mobile phones and TV distribution. It is one of the most rapid technologies and can carry about 2500 voice channels at one time. This type of wireless communication can be used in the terrestrial or satellite method. However, it is unidirectional and hence used in point-to-point communication. One weighty downside is that it can massively be affected by bad weather.
Advantages of Wireless Communication:
The idea of the transfer of data without any physical appearance is a big advantage in itself. But hey, this technology is beneficial in many more ways. Here are some advantages of wireless communication that will make you understand its importance today.
1. Speed
Speed is one of the greatest advantages of wireless communication. The advanced mechanization allows the transfer of data within a few seconds only. A wired network can easily be affected by external interruptions, which is not the case in wireless.
2. Mobility
You will obviously get restricted to one single location with a wired connection. But that’s simply not the case with wireless communication. With good grace, you have the liberty to move around and continue to stay connected.
3. Cost-saving
Wireless connection will keep you away from the additional cost of entailing cables and all unnecessary drilling. There is no need for any maintenance when there is no wire involved. With fewer connection points and the absence of cables, wireless communication helps in cost savings.
4. High Connectivity
Having access to wireless connections is a big advantage in this digital era. Since there is no fixed installation, you can move around and be connected to emails and messages at any point. Constant connectivity also allows you to respond to emergencies speedily.
One Last Thought:
We are definitely ending the blog on a good note. When we speak of what is wireless communication, the high-end technology has unquestionably added convenience and comfort at a personal and professional level. The wireless network has affixed opportunities to industrial solutions and provides global coverage by fostering short and long-distance communication.
Lately, our dependency on wireless networks has increased, and that’s only for the better. It’s interesting how one device can resolve problems even at a larger level. The COVID-19 pandemic has left each one of us with some petrifying scars. Without a structured wireless communication system, it would be impossible to fight this global issue.
To understand the fundamentals of wireless communication and how it can change your future further, Atria University offers a specialised Digital Transformation course and briefing on building a career in this space.