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    Workshop | Immersive Reality

    • Harshavardhana Kikkeri

    May 7, 2020 To May 8, 2020 | 10:00 AM IST

    Immersive reality is an exciting technological trend where you can immerse all your senses and experience altered reality like you are there. You can, for example, experience an extreme blizzard on the Himalayan summit like you are there. When in fact, you could be in the comfort of your home.

    That’s the power of immersion.

    We hosted an exciting, online workshop (May 7-8, 2020) on Immersive Technologies with Harshavardhana Kikkeri, the inventor of HoloSuit® . During the workshop, students learned about Immersive Reality. The various audio, video, and sensory tools that help you bend the virtual and make it real. Participants also created their own scenarios where they’d like to alter reality.

    Harshavardhana Kikkeri

    Founder & CEO, HoloSuit®

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