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    Program Director: Design

    Posted 3 years ago

    Job ID *****



    Job Type

    full Time


    Bangalore, India

    We are looking for a motivated and passionate person, to fill the role of program director of the
    Design major in Atria University. The program director is responsible for the design,
    implementation and success of the program.

    This role requires a person who

    • Identifies as an educator but has an active role in packaging design, product design, user interface design and/or has held leadership positions as part of industrial design projects.
    • Is willing to enable other people to design and implement courses, and weaving their efforts together (A facilitator)
    • Will collaborate with management and other program directors to ensure intersections and synergies between this program and the rest of the university.
    • Has a PhD in Design or at least 10 years of experience in the Design sector along with a design related Master’s degree.

    For a little more on what Atria University intends to do, here is a brief description of our vision for undergraduate education:

    A vision of the Design Major:

    To empower students to utilize their innovative bent of mind and the skillsets they will acquire at Atria University and become not only employees but have the capability to employ others within the Design landscape and beyond.

    Curricular Duties

    1. Design and curate curriculum for immediate implementation.
    2. Bring up the Atria Design curriculum and its interfaces to the other majors to a high standard. Students should develop
      1. A high technical standard – skill sets, experimental and real world problem solving abilities – taken from around the world.
      2. A high conceptual standard – knowledge that is understood and integrated into their life and work
      3. The ability to work productively in a frugal environment, not only in a highly niches.
      4. The ability to recognize expertise.
      5. The ability to either produce work themselves, or recognize their lacunae and actively seek out collaborations/partnerships in areas where they lack expertise.
      6. Focus on and analyze the act of learning itself. How do they learn best?
    3. Evolve processes for designing and testing future curricula well ahead of time. Design and implement a pipeline of testing and feedback so that future courses get time to evolve before kicking into full gear.
    4. Build industry surveys and connections. What are the skillsets required by the relevant industries? How much of the techniques can we teach in house and what fraction should be onsite experience as interns etc? These are areas where a broad agreement should be possible if we listen to what industry tells us and adapt to their unmet requirements.
    5. Continuous involvement with the implementation of the project on ground.
    6. Teaching 1 course or more when possible and meaningful.

    Personnel duties

    1. Identify and invite relevant faculty from one’s network or otherwise who may consider teaching.
    2. Participate in conversations or interviews for prospective students if time permits.
    3. Create and/or maintain a positive work culture at Atria University.

    Educational Culture duties

    1. Building a culture of rigor in conceptual thought.
    2. Building a culture of exploration in both ideas and materials.
    3. Implementing a culture of making/building material things.
    4. Build motivation to work on what is rooted at least partially in our immediate surroundings. For example the issues of Bangalore and Karnataka (or the students’ hometown/state) and India.

    Infrastructure duties

    • Motivating and implementing high tech experimental centers for teaching within the domain
    • Workshops and studios for projects
    • Fundraising duties
      • Have a dedicated team working on and raising funds from external sources (Govt, industry and pvt – if approved by the founders) for the educational and research mission at Atria

    Some questions we have for you (the candidate)

    What are values you hold dear that you would like us to agree on?

    How would you like teaching to be at Atria?

    What are things you want to see the rest of the university doing for you to feel full buy-in to this project?

    What are your reservations/worries/questions?

    Would you be able to come on full time for this role? Do you have other commitments that you would like to keep ongoing?

    How do you feel about interdisciplinarity? How have you seen it achieved in previous projects?

    How do you feel about equity and creating a safe and inclusive environment?

    How would you like to achieve this?

    Who would you like to bring onboard along with you?

    Apply To Program Director: Design Job

    Fill up the following details to apply to this job

      Thank you for applying for the Program Director: Design position. We will be in touch soon.