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    Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems


    Table of Contents:

      1. What is a renewable energy system
      2. Types of renewable energy sources
      3. Advantages of renewable energy systems
      4. Conclusion

    Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems

    We’ve all learned about how the different sources of energy that we, as the human race use, are depletable. This means that the earth can run out of these resources. The energy that is consumed by humans comes from either renewable sources or non-renewable sources. It is also a known fact that most energy that we consume comes from non-renewable sources of energy. Non-renewable energy comes sources like oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy which are depleting rapidly. .

    The main difference between renewable and non-renewable resources is that renewable sources can be replenished by nature whereas non-renewable resources cannot. What this means is that non-renewable resources are limited in nature and we must use them responsibly.

    Renewable energy sources

    What are renewable energy systems?

    While a lot of the energy that humans use daily can be non-renewable, several renewable energy sources can be employed to create a better future. Renewable energy sources refer to those sources that are sustainable and don’t run out or get easily depleted.

    For instance, solar and wind energy (that are generated through natural resources like the sun and the wind), are examples of renewable energy. This kind of energy is also called ‘alternative energy’. The word alternative signifies that renewable sources can be used as alternatives to non-renewable sources of energy.

    Renewable energy systems are therefore, those systems that make use of renewable resources to create energy that can be used by humans for fulfilling various needs such as the supply of clean water and electricity.

    Types of renewable energy sources

    Renewable energy sources are replenished at a higher rate than the rate at which they are consumed. This means that they are sustainable and can be relied upon to fulfill human needs. They are also less harmful to the environment.
    The different types of renewable energy:

    Solar Energy

    The most popular type of renewable source of energy is the light and heat that the sun radiates. Solar collectors such as photovoltaics, solar heating panels, and so on, are used to collect solar energy, which is then used to provide various forms of electricity.

    Wind Energy

    As the name suggests, wind energy is the energy we derive from the wind. Windmills are the most common way that this energy is sourced and these windmills are used for multiple purposes such as pumping out groundwater, generating electricity, etc.

    Did you know? Up to 4% of our current global energy consumption is accounted for by wind energy!

    Wind energy


    Hydroelectricity refers to the power generated through the force of water. Hydroelectricity generates about 70% of all renewable electricity!

    The kinetic energy that is a result of the flowing water is used by dams and reservoirs to generate electric power. The power generated through tides of water and waves is also used to generate power and electricity. Hence, hydroelectricity is the biggest renewable source of energy that we currently have access to.

    Geothermal Energy

    The earth has some energy stored under its surface. This energy is referred to as Geothermal energy. This heat is why there exist natural hot water springs and volcanic eruptions. This source of energy is then used to provide heat in the form of hot water and heaters in homes.

    Geothermal energy

    Biomass Energy

    Living organisms and materials derived from plants also create a type of energy which is known as Biomass energy. Biomass is combusted (exposed to heat) to produce more heat. This biomass can also be indirectly converted into biofuels as well as other usable forms of energy such as biodiesel, methane gas, and so on, which are used for transportation purposes.

    Advantages of using Renewable energy systems

    While there are many disadvantages to using non-renewable resources, there are also many advantages to using renewable energy systems. Some of these are:

    • Less global warming
    • Less carbon emission
    • Less pollution
    • Improved public health
    • Sustainable sources of energy are used
    • Inexhaustible in nature
    • Economic benefits
    • Lesser energy price fluctuations
    • Reliable sources of energy

    A number of industries in India are now switching to solar energy as their primary resource to produce energy.

    Solar Panels/ Solar energy


    We as human beings have been dependent on non-renewable sources of energy for as long as we can remember. Even today, a lot of the energy we generate is owed to non-renewable resources of nature, which can be exhausted.

    Apart from this, non-renewable resources are also more harmful to the environment as they account for carbon emissions that ultimately lead to global warming. Most of the energy we consume is derived from fossil fuels, which are extremely deprecating for the environment and even public health.

    Humans must, therefore, learn to make use of renewable and alternative sources of energy that are less harmful to the environment and can even last longer, making them more reliable and sustainable for human use.

    Atria Admissions Team

    March 6, 2023

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