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    The importance of E-mobility and clean energy in today’s world


    Table of Contents:

    1. Importance of e-mobility and clean energy
    2. What is e-mobility
      1. 2.1- Why is e-mobility the future?
    3. What is clean energy?
      1. 3.1- Why does the world need clean energy?
    4. E-mobility and clean energy work together


    From a count of 26 million vehicles sold in 2018-2019, the demand for petrol/diesel vehicles has dropped to 17.5 million in 2021-2022. A consistent growing EV market depicts the fact that clean mobility is here to stay. A rise in e-mobility has transcended environmental sustainability and enhanced energy security. This leaves us with no reasons to complain.

    While e-mobility and clean energy became a ‘buzzword’ in 2021, our environment has been more assuring. It was a year when the world bore the brunt of harsh weather. Climate hazards are a major result of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities that are led by burning fossil fuels for transportation, heat and electricity.

    Speaking of our country, India is committed to use renewable energy to meet 50% of its electricity needs and diminish carbon emission by 1 billion tonnes by 2030. Also, India promises to bring down greenhouse gas emission by 45% by 2030.

    Electric vehicles and clean energy are major contributions to keep the world on track and meet its climate goals. This brings us down to discussing- How crucial is it to adopt electric mobility at this point? Can embracing clean energy provide us with immense environmental benefits?

    Atria University brings together a panel of industry experts for an intricate discussion with our students and puts forward sustainable solutions for upcoming challenges.

    What is E-Mobility & is it the future?

    E-mobility is a term derived for electric-powered vehicles which are designed without an internal combustion engine. They are far away from the use of carbon gas and fossil fuel emissions. Besides the significant advantages of an electric vehicle like no harmful emissions, driving an e-vehicle scores an edge with its low cost of operation.

    The use of fossil fuel is destroying our planet and lethal emissions from diesel and petrol vehicles have adverse effects on public health. The invention of electric mobility has eliminated the presence of these poisonous substances. In addition, sustainable mobility can efficiently convert 60% of the electrical energy from the grid to the wheels. On the contrary, diesel and petrol cars can convert about 17-21% to the wheels.

    E-mobility for green future

    Why is E-Mobility the future?

    Let’s admit that electric cars are better for people and the planet. Here are some significant reasons to switch to e-mobility.

    • Electric cars take you away from the rumbling explosions of the engine. Get ready for a zero-noise drive.
    • Air pollution is a serious concern. By switching to e-mobility, you would be initiating the movement of ‘clean and safe air’.
    • You ditch the queue of a petrol station.
    • A smart choice of electric vehicle will award you with a low running cost.
    • A smooth driving experience.
    • No exhaust fumes, no greenhouse gases.
    • An EV gets you a high mileage range.
    • Charge your car, just the way you charge your phone.
    • EMobility holds the promise of a low carbon footprint.
    • Looking at the larger picture, they are saving the climate and our lives.

    E-mobility is not just the wave of the future , they are saving lives even today. Earlier this year, India pledged switching to only EVs by 2030 and cutting off the traditional combustion engine vehicle market. This may sound like an ambitious target, but it is a deliberate statement assuring to put an end to air pollution related deaths. Switching to EV has contributed to India’s GDP incredibly.

    E-mobility India is programmed to grow exponentially at a CAGR of 36% by 2026. Moving towards a global picture, the EV market is expected to touch 39.21 million units by 2030.

    We have initiated the Green Future Summit on the 26th of November 2022 to guide our students in the path of ‘green solutions’. The forum brings industry leaders to the table to discuss, debate and address the challenges of tomorrow.

    What is clean energy?

    Embracing clean energy sources has become a pressing priority today. While energy is at the heart of climate change, it is also a key solution. Typically, clean energy has become of utmost priority and India’s footprint in renewable energy has grown by leaps and bounds.

    The process of energy production while burning fossil fuels to generate heat and electricity causes a large chunk of greenhouse gases and blankets the Earth. The science is clear- this increases our carbon footprint and will get us closer to the worse impact of climate change.

    The more we rely on clean and renewable energy sources, the closer we will get to saving our planet. The Government of India intends to achieve net-zero carbon emission by 2070. India’s imprint in the renewable energy space has grown significantly in the last few years.

    As on date, India’s installed renewable energy capacity is the fourth largest in the world. Our Government has undertaken large scale sustainable projects and fosters domestic and international investment in the sector. India’s ability to obtain long-term financing sources will determine its renewable energy goals.

    In the light of advancement, a consistent and long term adoption of electric vehicles would require a steady supply of electricity. Concluding that a sustainable growth in E-mobility is impossible without a strong support of clean energy sources.

    Clean energy for green future

    Clean energy is derived from zero emission sources, putting an end to pollution. Accelerating the transition will benefit our generations to come by making available a healthy and livable planet.

    Renewable energy was previously seen as a fanciful and expensive electricity option. However, today, it is a cost-effective electricity option and can help India significantly by eliminating the dependency of imported gas and oil.

    Atria University extends its hands to take you towards a much desirable lifestyle ‘ green living’ for reasons known to benefit us.

    Why does the world need clean energy?

    • Zero carbon emission
    • Reducing global warming
    • Clean air, water
    • Cheap energy source
    • Creates more job opportunities. India promises 3.4 million job opportunities by 2030.
    • It makes economic sense
    • Reduction in pollution can save the world up to $4.2 trillion per year by 2030.
    • Infinite source of energy
    • Reduction in the risk of environmental disasters

    E-Mobility and Clean energy go hand in hand:

    A combination of clean energy and e-mobility is a win-win situation. With the help of clean energy sources , India plans to triple ist current capacity to 500GW by 2030. The need to develop sustainable solutions that diminish emissions go arm in arm.

    Currently, this is a huge challenge for India. But with the continual support of government policies, technology advancements, communication campaigns, financial investments and common man initiatives, the future looks promising.

    It’s all good in the hood. India’s future growth trajectory illustrates intelligent mobility and energy solutions. Here’s your chance to make a difference.

    Atria University’s Green Future Summit is a platform for students to understand directly from leaders the future challenges and ways to tackle them. We have taken a plunge to instil the idea of ‘green living, clean living’. Our honourable panellists discuss how green energy goals can make a BIG difference in our lives.

    Are you driven to save the future? Let’s do it together.

    Atria Admissions Team

    January 23, 2023

    Green Revolution in India:…

    The need and importance…

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