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    Data science
    Data science

    Is Data Science a good career option in India?


    Table of Contents:

    1. Introduction
    2. What is Data Science
    3. What is the role of a Data Scientist
    4. What is the scope of a Data Science in India
    5. An outline of the Data Science career path
      1. The top job roles for Data Science
      2. What salary can you expect?
    6. Conclusion


    If there is an ideal time to be a data scientist, it is NOW! One major reason is the preliminary of the demand and supply curve studied in economics. To put it simply, the thriving demand for a proficient data scientist is not even close to the supply. Also, because a large population is still naive about the scope of data science in India.

    Going back in 2008, Google Chief Economist Hal Varian envisaged data science as ‘ the sexy job in the coming 10 years’. Whilst sexy may not sound an appropriate term for a skilled statistician; the prediction was definitely on point.

    Data collected by the experts is expected to be information-rich and dependable. The generated specifics are used at a professional level in several industries. To your astoundment, data science is pivotal in the process of country development, and no wonder why it is the present and future of India.

    What is Data Science?

    Before getting to the larger picture, you must absorb its crux. In the simplest words, data science is an exercise of extracting deep insights from unprocessed data. In this process, experts leverage avant-garde techniques and gather data in vast volumes only to make an informed decision.

    For some accurate data, the study involves mathematics mastery, computer programming skills, domain know-how and most importantly, the ability to extract meaningful facts and figures from the data. Truly, the power and competence of human ability are executed for some relevant choices and decisions. Data analysts successfully foresee unseen patterns with machine learning algorithms and foretelling analysis to create a structured system.

    Computer Data Science

    What is the role of a data scientist?

    Before we get to the debate on is data science a good career option in India, let’s explore the roles and responsibilities. Splitting the term ‘data scientist’ and deriving the meaning is a no-brainer. The trained professional discovers and reveals some unfathomed information. However, the primary role of the expert is far more extensive. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what precisely the role of a data scientist is.

    • Identifying the valuable and authentic source of data.
    • Extracting the data.
    • Analysing the data and creating a base of structured and unstructured data with the help of machine learning tools.
    • Fining and filtering the data for the next stage, i.e. analysis.
    • Building a blueprint and creating a strategy for the referred challenge.
    • Create data visualisation and collaborate with the crew for better comprehension.
    • Combine the insights and algorithms to find dependable patterns.
    • Establish a prediction system with the corresponding tools and techniques.
    • Manoeuvre third-party skills for numerical computation and enhanced data strategy.
    • Create an end-to-end solution and present it.
    • Assist the team, which involves analysts and developers. Work closely with them.
    • Encourage analysis and discussions.
    • Build an automated discernment system to keep an error-free track.
    • Create graphs and implement them.

    Interactive Tech

    How to Become a Data Scientist in India?

    Working on a dump of data sure requires some special skills. Owning a big responsibility involves much more than data-centric expertise. Some qualifications can be adopted academically, and some require understanding at a personal level.

    Data scientist working

    1. Knack of communication

    Little did you know, the triumph of a data science career immensely depends upon the ability to communicate. Your data discovery can be used only when communicated and interpreted rightly. As discussed above, every project will involve a team of technical and non-technical individuals. You must be able to convey your findings in a way that there is no room for errors.

    2. Qualification in Programming

    Most certainly, data science is a lot about having the required qualification in programming. You cannot attain the credentials without academic guidance and real-world experience. A Data Scientist must be well aware of languages like Java, Python, C++, R and SQL. These programming languages help in advanced analytics and reporting of it.

    3. Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning

    Good and in-depth knowledge of machine learning is a must to ensure quality prediction and evaluation. So far, it is a requisite for data science. With this skill, machines can act smart and righteous without human intervention.

    4. Mathematics mastery

    A masters in mathematics and statistics is the key to being an accomplished data scientist. The fundamental skill abets statistical thinking meticulously. Having an understanding of multivariable calculus and linear algebra sets the path to algorithm evaluation and prognostic performance.

    5. Data management

    Handling imperfections in data is not an acquired skill. It is a predominant learning process in the data science career path. A data scientist must be competent enough to cope with the voluminous database, refine it and fabricate it to achieve the goals.

    6. Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning

    Analysing and visualising data both go hand in hand. In the process of learning how to become a data scientist in India, you cannot proceed without these fundamentals. If you cannot understand data, how can you take measures? It is crucial to have a keen eye for trends and patterns, set a key performance indicator, and visually encode data through tools like ggplot2, Tableau, Matplotlib, etc.

    7. Software engineering skills

    Without a strong background in software engineering, you cannot become a data scientist. Some best data science courses in India will teach you the groundwork for software development, cloud computing and solid integration.

    Barring the technical forte, awareness of self-explanatory skills will help you get closer to how to become a data scientist in India. A great business acumen, curious mind, quick adaptability and critical thinking!

    Energy Science

    What is the scope of data science in India?

    And that’s the next big question.

    Many have misapprehended data science for a data entry job, and that’s why they have clearly not understood the scope of data science in India. If you have grown up with the most common assumption that data science has an opportunity only in the technology sector, you live in a delusional world. With the diversity of world affairs and the increasing dependency on technology in every sector, the demand for data scientists is only surging.

    A bit of flashback here. 2019 came with a job opening of 2.9 million for data scientists; sadly, it did not meet the requirement. The World Economic Forum predicted data science and data analysts to be the leading role in 2022. According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, 2026 will forecast a boom in data science with an estimated count of 11.5 million job openings. Also, a report by Deloitte Access Economics states a whopping demand for data analytics in the next two years.

    The scope of data science in India is towering and not limited to the technology space. Here is a list of industries that have undergone a major transformation with the power of data science.

    • Health care
    • Retail
    • Banking and Finance
    • Manufacturing
    • Transportation
    • Energy
    • Construction
    • Media and Entertainment
    • Education
    • Government
    • Aviation
    • Agriculture

    An outline of the data science career path:

    Data Science was first coined in 2001, and ever since then, it has been recognised as one of the most lucrative careers. Globally, it has managed to make a significant mark. However, in India, the subject is still relatively unestablished and striving to find a place in the professional graph. The highly sought-after craft has made its way in every field and helped each sector boom phenomenally.

    The top job roles for Data Science:

    • Data Analyst
    • Product Manager
    • Machine Engineer
    • Data Scientist
    • Marketing Scientist
    • Business Analyst
    • Data Engineer
    • Business Developer
    • Software Engineer
    • Statistician

    What salary can you expect?

    The demand and salary of a data scientist are directly proportional to each other; they are only increasing by the day. However, the pay scale may vary depending upon which sector you choose to branch out.

    According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a Data Scientist in the United States is roughly $1,17,212 per year. The standard salary of Data Scientist in India at an entry-level should be more or less INR 5,12,000 annual. With an increase in work experience, there are no boundaries. Some of the top hiring Indian companies include – Amazon, TCS, IBM, Infosys, Flipkart, Capgemini India Pvt Ltd and Infosys.

    Interesting Fact: As of date, Flipkart has about 700 job openings in Data Science.

    One Last Thought:

    Reality check: In the tough times of layoffs, pay cuts and pink slips, data science is only growing exponentially.

    Going back to where we started. With increasing demand and lack of supply, there is always a place for potential talent. Therefore, labelling it as a ‘rewarding career’ wouldn’t be wrong. Regardless of business or a professional post, the scope of Data Science in India is extensive.

    If you are topsy-turvy about how to start a career in data science, Atria University will help you discover your domain and build your degree based on your core strength. Our signature project on the Machine Learning & Predictive Human-centered Algorithm is what will get you closer to being the shark of tomorrow.


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